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Council Meeting Minutes
October 11,2014 Portland Regional Gem & Mineral Show in Hillsboro, Oregon

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Oregon Council of Rock & Mineral Clubs

Fall Meeting Minutes October 11,2014

Oregon Council met at 2pm at the Portland Regional Gem & Mineral Show in Hillsboro, Oregon 
with John Burford, Vice President presiding. The minutes were read and approved from the meeting 
held on June 28, 2014 at Madrus Pow Wow Show.
Brenda Burford gave treasurer report: $2238.65 balance from 6-28-2014 15.00 paid out to Vicki Johnson for club name tag(for Use in Capital Case). $50.00 paid to ALAA for membership fee $2173.65 Balance left in account
A general discussion of problems rockhounds are experiencing with more areas being closed. Weyerhauser lands in WA closed to rockhounds which had been a favorite place of WA area people. Area around Timber, OR also closed to rockhounds which is also a private land area.
Vicki gave report on Capital Case in Salem at State Capital Building. Springville Club’s material will come out and WAMS Club material will be going in November. She said no one is scheduled for May @ present. Vicki reported that the Capital Building has recently started an earthquake upgrade. She is not sure what the effect or impact will be for the Lapidary Case. Some of the light bulbs have had to be replaced in the case. We all agreed that the Lapidary Case keeps the lapidary hobby in front of all the people at the Capital Building. Vicki keeps a list of all the different kinds of rocks and minerals placed in the case each time contents are changed every six months. Every club exhibiting should also have their own list. Vicki reminded us that no advertising is allowed in the case. Except the name of clubs exhibiting, and also labels of specimens and the county they were found.
We also discussed the Oregon Council Trophy for the Best OR Lapidary Case in the fall meeting Club Show. This has been a Traveling Trophy going to the winner of the Best Oregon Material in the show, which is judged by 3 officer members of the Oregon Council using the Oregon Council Trophy Rules. This time there was 4 cases that wanted to be considered for the Oregon Council Award. This time Brenda Burford from Sweet Home Club, Vicki Johnson from WAMS , and Jim Heiman from Clackamette Club were the 3 officers judging. As usual it was difficult to choose, but the point system used in the judging rules makes it much easier to decide on the winner. The winner was Mt. Hood Rock Club’s 8 ft case of all Oregon Material (these were from different members of the club). The others considered were very close in the point system. After some discussion it was decided to change the Trophy to one that the winner could keep. The reason decided to change is, it has sometimes not been convenient to retrieve in order to pass on the next year.
Leilani requested to review the box of old pictures of people & cases displayed previously in the capital case.
We discussed next meeting (spring) time and place. Leilani offered Oregon Agate & Mineral Society’s Show at OMSI on Valentine’s weekend or second weekend of February and was accepted.
Meeting Adjourned.
Minutes were written by L. Smith Sec.
Those Attending: John and Brenda Burford from Sweet Home Club, Leilani Pitman from OAMS, Vicki Johnson from WAMS, Jim Heiman from Clackamette Club, Troy and Lenora Smith from MHRC

Minutes inserted by Karl Granzow



Page updated: Nov. 9th, 2014.
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